Category Archives: Kidney Health

Kidney Cleansing For Good Health

Why is kidney cleansing important? Every day, your kidneys process the blood and helps to sift out waste products (like mercury, copper, arsenic-bound chemicals and other toxins) and extra water. The waste and extra water become urine. The urine then flows to your bladder through the ureters. Your bladder stores urine until you go to the bathroom. When your kidneys become overloaded with toxins, diseases of the kidneys and bladder can happen as you are unable to discharge the waste and urine from your body. When you […]

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What Are Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are hard stone-like substance that forms in the kidneys. They may not trouble you as long as they are settled in one or both the kidneys. It is only when a kidney stone moves out of the kidney and enters the ureter (the tube that carries urine) on its way to the bladder that the pain begins. The pain can be from mild to severe depending on the size and shape of the kidney stone. The stone can block the flow of urine, and may […]

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The Healthy Vegan Lifestyle

What is a Vegan? Generally vegans are vegetarians with some minor differences. Vegans, aside from eating meat, fish, poultry and eggs, they do not also use products that are made from animals or were tested on animals such as cosmetics and drugs. Some people choose a vegan lifestyle for several health reasons but the main issue here is: Is a vegan lifestyle healthy? With good planning, a vegan lifestyle is normally healthier than the standard diet meals. In fact, some countries that have the usual American Diet […]

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